Indian Nursing Council (INC), Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council(KNMC), Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC)
College of Nursing was instituted in the academic year of 2002. It is located
in the KVM Trust Complex near to the K.V.M Superspeciality Hospital Complex,
Cherthala, in Alappuzha District. It is affiliated to the Kerala University and
approved by Indian Nursing Council and Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council in
the academic year 2002 attached to the KVM Super Speciality Hospital.
and Education are the wealth of the country. Ever since the inception of the
K.Velayudhan Memorial Trust in 1983, it has championed to meet the needs of the
society. Starting with a hospital for the care of the sick, the KVM Trust has
given attention to start various need-based courses at the right moment,
pulsing the need of the society. It has tried its best to keep pace with the
demands of growing & developing society. It opted to walk through a path
others seldom selected, to solve the urgent need of the society.
KVM Trust envisaged a State of the Art College of Nursing. KVM College of
Nursing is a result of this long cherished dream of K.Velayudhan Memorial
Velayudhan Memorial Trust, registered on 13th May 1983 with the objective of
providing relief and solace to the poor and needy, mainly in Charitable and
Education field. The emphasis is on Health Education, Welfare of Women,
Children and Other Weaker sections of the society including Disable, Retarded
and Discarded as well as Higher education in science and technology.
the years, the KVM Trust has earned a reputation for itself by fulfilling the
educational aspirations of many and self providing relief through its
pioneering activities in educational and charity fields and by running
organisations and institutions of international quality. The many educational
institutions setup by the KVM Trust have become the most preferred choice for
the students in the region for their excellent infrastructure and exceptional
quality of teaching. The social service organisations run by the KVM Trust have
brought hope and happiness to many children and families.
KVM Trust is constantly on the lookout for new avenues to channelize its energy
and resources addressing newer needs and aspirations of the society and in
service of humanity
be recognized as a leading model of institution offering excellence in quality
of nursing education to promote research activities and turning out
intellectually enlightened, morally upright, emotionally balanced and socially
committed health care professionals.
promote high quality education to develop professionalism with a global
promote learning that stimulates learners to reach their full potential throughout
their life.
foster innovative research that will benefit the humanity and improve the
nursing standards.
create, empowered, committed, compassionate and skilful healthcare providers
who make a difference in building a healthy family, community and nation.
enhances the individual student to become a good leader and self-motivator in
professional practice of nursing.
college of nursing believes that,
nursing courses ( MSc Nursing, PBBSc Nursing & BSc Nursing )
should be planned around the nursing care need of the society as well as the
educational needs and personal development of nursing students.
primary focus of the educational program is to prepare the student nurse for
professional nursing practices in all fields.
courses offer an educational base needed for continuing nursing education.
faculty of the college accepts the responsibility of helping the students to
adjust to new situations and provides them with the opportunity, which
contributes towards development of the student as a person, responsible citizen
and competent practitioner.