Indian Nursing Council (INC), Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council(KNMC)
s College of Nursing drew its inspiration from the vision and mission of the
late Archbishop Mar Ivanios and Msgr. Joseph Kuzhinjalil the founder of
Daughters of Mary of Congregation. Nurturing the intellectual faculties is our
special mission. This college stands for academic excellence, development of
skills and character formation based on the love of God and service of man as
modeled in Jesus Christ so as to produce intellectually mature, technically
skilled, morally upright, socially committed and spiritually inspired women of
India. We believe, as the International Council of Nurses states: the unique
function of the nurses 'is to assist the individual sick or well, in the
performance of those activities contributing to the health or its recovery (or
to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had independence as
rapidly as possible. This aspect of her work, this part of her function, she
initiates and controls, of this she is the master. In addition she helps the
patient to carry out the therapeutic plan as initiated by the physician. She,
also as a member of a medical team, helps other members us they in turn help
her to plan and carry out the total programme whether it be for the improvement
of health or recovery from illness or support in death. Our concept of health
is based on the WHO definition that 'health is a state of physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Here a
nurse is engaged ultimately in the noble task of reintegrating the total man,
body and soul, flesh and blood and of restoring the living quality whereby the
sick is made to resemble God more closely. The St.Joseph s College of Nursing
stands for top quality training in nursing care and the B.Sc degree programme
in nursing aims to equip the graduate nurses with adequate knowledge and to
meet the challenges of ever changing and fast developing health care system,
sophisticated technology and ever increasing social demands. We believe that
the graduates from this programme will show exceptional qualities of skill,
intuition, sense of responsibility good manners, sympathetic temperament sense
of proportion, capacity for supervision, teaching and habit of observation,
punctuality, obedience, cleanliness and accurate statement. The B.Sc Nursing
degree programme is geared to the health needs of the country, the community and
the individual, and it will serve as a basis for advanced study and
specialization in nursing. It will assist nurses in their personal and
professional development so that they may make their maximum contribution to
the society as individual, citizens and nurses.
mission of St. Joseph’s College of Nursing expects its students to uphold the
ethical values and principles of morality as interpreted by the Catholic
Church. The institution prepares students for the role of future leaders loyal
to the highest ideals of health profession Health is both a means and an end of
developments improving the quality of life.
Joseph’s College of Nursing profess the motto “Let all have abundance of Life”,
urges the students to search for newer knowledge and newer ways to discover the
real needs of human person through research, study and extension. The college
aims to enable educated women to acquire knowledge and share this knowledge
with others through nursing education and develop skills in providing quality care
to the sick with a holistic approach without distinction of caste, creed,
colour or social status.