Master in Marketing Management is a 2 year master degree program, the minimum eligibility is bachelor degree from a recognized institutes and colleges or its equivalent exam.

Master in Marketing Management: What is it all about?

The programme is intended to help students to flourish in the multicultural and ultra-competitive marketing workplace. Candidates rapidly get a handle on the primary components of marketing procedure through real-life situations (such as market research, sales force, promotions, etc.) or how to apply them in complex market condition. Additionally, they can select one of the expert tracks offered in the programme, on the basis of candidates professionalism or personal interests.

Master in Marketing Management course furnishes candidates with theoretical and practical training to build up skills to run the marketing branch of a business or organization. Courses include directing, conducting and analyzing broad market research before assembling together marketing campaigns. Candidates may also learn about management, product development and sales promotion. Additionally, many programs in marketing or marketing management put a solid emphasis on internet technologies, social networking and rising media stages that organization may utilise to market products and services.

The course is appropriate for those candidates who need to increase significant involvement and experience in implementing and developing integrated marketing issues and develop skills in working with other line managers to get the best result.

Those candidates who wish to enhance their studies in the common area of marketing as well as expertise in a related field are appropriate for it. Candidates must have social media skills, only after this they may understand the differences between old-style one-way media discussions and the group interactivity. Candidates additionally good with data or analytical skills for example technologies capture and make accessible gigantic measures of information about seller and buyer conduct.

Few colleges and universities offer doctoral courses in marketing for those expecting to perform proper research in the field. A Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Marketing ordinarily gets ready candidates for positions in scholastic and academic foundations. Candidates may expect to gain more information about the relationships between clients and products, breakdown of industry socio-economics and essentials of behavioural and quantitative marketing techniques.

Master in Marketing Management: Eligibility

Few colleges and universities offer doctoral courses in marketing for those expecting to perform proper research in the field. A Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Marketing ordinarily gets ready candidates for positions in scholastic and academic foundations. Candidates may expect to gain more information about the relationships between clients and products, breakdown of industry socio-economics and essentials of behavioural and quantitative marketing techniques.

The eligibility criteria for the Master in Marketing Management program is a bachelor degree or its equivalent with at least 50% of marks from the authorized college or institute.

Master in Marketing Management: Admission Process

As the initial step of admission, the candidates must have to appear for the entrance tests carried out broadly or exclusively by the colleges or institute.

The candidates may receive the application form from the official website of the college and institution as well as from the website of the concerned authority that provide the entrance test.

Once the applicant scores the cut off mark in the entrance test, they can apply for the Master in Marketing Management program in the college and institute that offers the same. Here the applicants being called for final round selection, on the basis of marks of the entrance test. Few colleges and institutions carry out interview only where as numerous others taking GD and interview as part of the final selection.

Following are a few entrance tests that are conducted by some of the colleges in India:

  • CAT
  • GMAT 
  • MAT
  • ATMA
  • XAT
  • CMAT
  • SNAP
  • MICAT 

Colleges offering MMM (Master Of Marketing Management)


Established in 1965, Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai, is known to produce leaders who have incrementally been instrumental in shaping the business environment in India. Situated in the heart of the country’s financial capital, JBIMS is a private... View More
The occupied stream of MMM (Master Of Marketing Management) is Management
The graduation type of MMM (Master Of Marketing Management) is PG
Basically you would want to choose a course that will lead you to fulfill your ambition and build your future career. you will always want to take courses which will future-proof your existing skillsets to better equip you to excel in your workplace and move your career path to succeed well in life.

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